How to Stuff, and I’m not Talking About Your Turkey

Oh, how Thanksgiving fills our hearts with warm appreciation for the pilgrimage that started the foundation of this great country; and how it fills our stomachs with turkey, stuffing, pies and everything else associated with the grand feast!

Unfortunately, sometimes there is such a plethora of amazing food that we don’t have enough room to consume it all.

Prepare yourself for ultimate eating efficiency this thanksgiving, because these techniques will help you pace out your eating and create maximum space in your tummy for more yams:

  1. One of the biggest mistakes made on Turkey Day is piling humongous portions on our plates in a frenzy of hunger. Stop right there Jack! That kind of behavior is going to leave you with no room for pumpkin pie at the end of the evening. 
    • Put smaller portions on your plate, and then you can have a taste of everything. The greater variety will help your brain think that you’ve consumed a lot of food, even if you didn’t truly stuff yourself 
    • We all have our favorite dishes, and the fear that it may be gobbled up might tempt you to heap it onto your plate when passed around, but resist! Your digestive system will thank you later when it doesn’t have to process a pound of cranberry relish.
  2. If you have a large spread, don’t fill up on mashed potatoes or other starchy foods because you’ll just get full fast. According to “The Journal of Nutrition,” foods high in carbohydrates and fiber make your stomach tell your brain that it is satisfied even when you haven’t eaten much. If anything, save these foods for last, that way you’ve had an adequate serving of the other dishes. High-carb foods you may want to ration throughout the meal include:claudio-schwarz-purzlbaum-cgcteFH-azk-unsplash
    • Mashed Potatoes
    • Sweet Potatoes
    • Green Bean Casserole
    • Collard Greens
    • Coleslaw
    • Dinner Rolls
  3. There is a method which, if employed throughout your dining, will help get that turkey moving through your digestive tract, leaving more room in your stomach. The simple motion of gently rocking back-and-forth or side-to-side will help your stomach break down your food faster and slide it on through your innards. (Whether or not that can be backed by science is debatable, but we at the Journal agree that it works, so give it a try!)
  4. Lastly, if you are starting to feel like you’ve overeaten, just take a break. Get up, take a walk, stretch, (go to the bathroom if needed) and hit it again when you’re feeling better. Sometimes a quick nap helps rekindle your appetite and put you right in the mood for dessert. 

From all of us at the University Journal, best of luck this season, and happy eating!

Story by Reyce Knutson
Photos by:  Element5 Digital and Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash