Crowd of students enjoy Wellness Wednesday event

The Starlight Room in the Sharwan Smith Student Center quickly filled with excited students visiting Wellness Wednesday, an event hosted by the College of Humanities and Social Sciences on April 10 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The event gathered representatives from various campus resources to help students focus on their personal well-being before the stress of finals week. In addition to these resources, Wellness Wednesday offered coloring pages, supplies to arrange self-care kits and Jimmy John’s sandwiches.

Instead of freaky-fast delivery, however, Jimmy John’s saw freaky-fast disappearance due to a crowd of students piling up in the room and at the door before taking their share. Within five minutes, all the cookies and sodas, in addition to the sandwiches, were gone. Once all the food had been eaten, students participated in the activities and learned about different ways to improve wellness.

The gathering promoted a holistic view of wellness, including standard ideals of wellness, such as information about the Health and Wellness Center. In addition, it offered academic and financial resources students might not hear of as often, such as the Writing Center, the Speech and Presentation Center and Financial Wellness.

While the mass migration of students into the activity proved more than HSS senator Hanna Muzquiz expected, she was glad to see so many students in attendance.

“I would say that Jimmy John’s was definitely a hit, but honestly, I also loved watching all of the students be able to go around the room, look at the resources and be able to connect with each other,” Muzquiz shared. “Between the little self-care kits and the coloring, a lot of people still enjoyed it even though we did run out of food.”

The organizations featured at the event are available year-round to assist students with wellness-related needs. 

Author: Kale Nelson
Photos: Kale Nelson
Editor: Nick Stein